"Write What You Know"
Ask my parents, my friends, my former teammates… I was the most unlikely wellness practitioner. Sure, I could lift with the best of them on team weight room days, but I indulged in every possible way, at every possible moment. I did not take care of myself - mind, body, or wellbeing - until my career-ending injuries forced me to. At the real age of 25 (and the bodily age of… let’s say, 50, optimistically), I’ve taken quite an unconventional path to where I am now.
While a lot of the stories and advice(?) on this blog will be geared towards former athletes, I think it’s bigger than that. What I “know” is how to transition from a defined life plan to one of uncertainty. What I “know” is how to leave something you’ve always depended on and dive into a new path. And, whether you’re an athlete or not, those experiences feel pretty universal to me.
To be clear: no, I absolutely do NOT know what I know because the process came naturally to me. That’s what this blog is about. The missteps, the setbacks, and heartbreaks that came along the way. This isn’t about teaching. It’s about being beside you; about being the person I wished I’d had. You are not alone.
More soon,